An archive of things from years’ past.
@fontnerd | hello [at] amypapaelias [dot] com | LinkedIn
Hello! I'm Amy. I am an Associate Professor of Graphic Design at the State University of New York at New Paltz, teaching courses in web and interaction design, as well as 2D design and visual communication. I received my MFA in Intermedia Design from SUNY New Paltz and my Bachelor of Art in English Cultural Studies from McGill University.
Presentations about my research and design pedagogy include: Type@Cooper West, San Francisco, the Type Directors Club, TypeCon, the AIGA Design Educators Conferences, Theorizing the Web, among others.
I have participated in several collaborative digital scholarship / humanities initiatives, including serving on the organizing committee of the AIGA Design Education Conference, Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship (University of Southern California, 2017), and One Week | One Tool, an NEH-funded Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (George Mason University, 2013). Jessica Barness and I received the 2017 Design Incubation Communication Design Education Award in Published Research for our special issue of Visible Language (49.3).
I am a member of the Type Directors Club and a founding member of Alphabettes.
This site was hand-cobbled together with 💖 and currently uses Adelle Sans for the headlines and Eskorte for the body text.